KWPN Castrone 11 Anni 170 cm Baio in Kwadijk

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KL Dressage
1471CB Kwadijk Paesi Bassi
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Ulteriori informazioni

KWPN è un'abbreviazione per il libro genealogico dei Paesi Bassi Warmbluts: "Koninklijke Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland". Le linee della razza risalgono per lo più sulle razze domestiche, pesante Gelderlander o Groningen. Gli stalloni sono ancora frequentemente attraversati da altre zone in Eur ... Maggiori informazioni su horse breed KWPN
11 Anni
170 cm
Koninklijk Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland

Adatto come cavallo/pony da scuola

Adatto per scopi terapeutici

Adatto per principianti

Addestrato alla lunghina

Con contratto di protezione

Adatto ai sentieri in natura

Tranquillo durante la ferratura

Disponibili esami di pre-acquisto

Esperienza di concorso

Conducibile con la cavezza

Tranquillo durante la ferratura

adatto ai bambini

Passaporto equino disponibile

Senza eczema


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  • Olandese
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Jersey C (El Capone x Krack C)
Lernen Sie Jersey C kennen, einen vielversprechenden Wallach, der im Prix St. Georges antritt. Sein Trab ist bemerkenswert gut und zieht sofort die Aufmerksamkeit auf sich. Schließlich trabt er mit viel Kraft und Ausdruck. Jersey C hat die perfekte Einstellung für ein Turnierpferd: leichtfüßig und sehr arbeitswillig. Er springt schöne Serien und gibt seinem Reiter das Gefühl, sich sehr wohl zu fühlen.
Jersey C ist eine Kombination aus den Hengsten El Capone, Krack C und Glendale. Aus seinem Mutterstamm kommt außergewöhnlicher Sport. Die bekanntesten Namen sind Esperance, geritten von Tinne Vilhelmson-Silfvén, und Handsome C, geritten von Jordi Domingo, die beide auf höchstem Niveau starten.
Meet Jersey C, a promising gelding that is currently campaigned in the ZZ Licht tests, thoughhe already knows all the movements for the Prix St. Georges. Particularly his trot commands attention. He trots with ample power and expression. Jersey C possesses the perfect mindset of a competition horse: easy-going and willing to work. His series are beautiful, and he gives his rider a very comfortable feeling.
Jersey C is a combination of the stallions El Capone, Krack C and Glendale. His damlineproduced a remarkable number of sport horses. Prominent names include Esperance of TinneVilhelmson-Silfven and Handsome C of Jordi Domingo, that both compete at the highest level.
Questo testo è stato tradotto automaticamente.
Jersey C (El Capone x Krack C)
Conozca a Jersey C, un prometedor caballo castrado que compite en el Prix St. Georges. Su trote es notablemente bueno y llama inmediatamente la atención. Al fin y al cabo, trota con mucha fuerza y expresión. Jersey C tiene la actitud perfecta para un caballo de competición: tranquilo y muy dispuesto a trabajar. Salta buenas series y hace que su jinete se sienta muy cómodo.
Jersey C es la combinación de los sementales El Capone, Krack C y Glendale. De su línea materna procede un deporte excepcional. Los nombres más famosos son Esperance, montado por Tinne Vilhelmson-Silfvén, y Handsome C, montado por Jordi Domingo, que compiten al más alto nivel.
Questo testo è stato tradotto automaticamente.
Jersey C (El Capone x Krack C)
Voici Jersey C, un hongre prometteur qui participe au Prix St-Georges. Son trot est remarquablement bon et attire immédiatement l'attention. En effet, il trotte avec beaucoup de puissance et d'expression. Jersey C a l'attitude parfaite pour un cheval de compétition : facile et très disposé à travailler. Il saute de belles séries et met son cavalier très à l'aise.
Jersey C est la combinaison des étalons El Capone, Krack C et Glendale. De la lignée de sa mère provient un sport exceptionnel. Les noms les plus connus sont Esperance monté par Tinne Vilhelmson-Silfvén et Handsome C monté par Jordi Domingo, qui concourent tous deux au plus haut niveau.
Jersey C (El Capone x Krack C)
Maak kennis met Jersey C, een veelbelovende ruin die uitgebracht wordt in de Prix St. Georges. Zijn draf is opvallend goed en trekt direct de aandacht. Want, draven doet hij met veel kracht en expressie. Jersey C beschikt over de perfecte instelling van een wedstrijdpaard: easy going en zeer werkwillig. Hij springt mooie series en geeft zijn ruiter of amazone een heel comfortabel gevoel.
Jersey C is de combinatie van de hengsten El Capone, Krack C en Glendale. Uit zijn moederlijn komt uitzonderlijk veel sport. De bekendste namen zijn Esperance van Tinne Vilhelmson-Silfvén en Handsome C van Jordi Domingo, die beiden op het hoogste niveau lopen.




KL Dressage
1471CB Kwadijk
Paesi Bassi
9 Mostra numero di telefono
Homepage: kldressage

Ulteriori informazioni

Most of the horses that we offer for sale are the well-known KWPN Dutch Warmblood horses.
We can provide you with schoolmasters, up-and-coming talent, FEI horses up to and including Grand Prix. The horses are well trained, easy going, high quality, uncomplicated, safe, easy to ride and healthy.
Looking for a horse? We can always find the right one. You can always contact us.
After purchase you can also have your horse trained by us and or brought to competitions.
Most of the horses that we offer for sale are the well-known KWPN Dutch Warmblood horses.
We can provide you with schoolmasters, up-and-coming talent, FEI horses up to and including Grand Prix. The horses are well trained, easy going, high quality, uncomplicated, safe, easy to ride and healthy.
Looking for a horse? We can always find the right one. You can always contact us.
After purchase you can also have your horse trained by us and or brought to competitions.


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KL Dressage
1471CB Kwadijk
Paesi Bassi
9 Mostra numero di telefono

